Wednesday, December 8, 2010

day 7

Day 7: Favorite movies

A really recent movie that I loved was Inception. I had never even heard of the movie and then saw everyone's facebook updates about how much they looooved it. I finally saw a preview and thought it was an interesting idea for a movie. I was worried about being able to actually follow the storyline, but turns out, it was amaaazing!! I highly recommend this movie.

Another movie I love, that is of a completely different genre, is Anchorman. I love it for the dumb humor and Will Ferrell's ridiculousness. It also holds some sentiment as my roommate and I would watch it all the time and laugh just as hard the 100th time around.

Again, another completely different movie that I bought right after I saw it is Seven Pounds. First of all, I love how Will Smith proves that he can play a variety of different roles. In this particular movie, he beautifully plays the role of a sad character. Yes, most people find this movie depressing, but I was so emotionally drawn to Will Smith's character and his heart-breaking story that I couldn't stop watching. I have yet to watch it a second time. You definitely have to be in a certain sort of mood to watch a movie like this.

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