Wednesday, December 29, 2010

day 28

Day 28: Something that stresses you out

Oh, man. The first thing that comes to my mind when answering this question is MY JOB! My job, my job, my job. More than physically stressed out, I always feel so emotionally stressed out at the end of the day. I work long hours and with boys that like to be ridiculous every once in a while (aka every day).

Transportation stresses me out. I have been able to tolerate flying a little better, after being on airplanes so much. It's always the take-off and landing that freak me out. I have this fear that the tail of the plane will hit the runway as the plane is ascending. But don't worry, that hasn't happened yet. I'm also not a big fan of being a passenger while someone else is driving. I get super paranoid and all these "worst-case scenario" accidents are always running through my head. I guess the theme of all this is that not being in CONTROL while using transportation is anxiety-provoking.

Okay, I wanted to show a few pictures I took during Christmas. I worked Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the day after. It sounds like a bummer, but I was okay with it and the boys were relatively calm. They always get a crazy amount of gifts for Christmas because people donate a lot of brand new toys and clothes.

[the gifts under our tree in cottage...all these gifts are only for two children]

[before the staff put out all the gifts, they were separated in these huge boxes. I went over to the other cottage to say hello and all the boys were making forts out of the boxes. I loved the innocence of it]

[my stocking, that I'm pretty sure was handmade. I loved the bright colors!]

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