Tuesday, December 7, 2010

day 6

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy

Okay, maybe this is a weird, but I just love, love, love this picture. Here are a couple reasons why...

It was taken when Steph and I spent the night in Idyllwild, just to get away from the craziness of Hillview life and to go somewhere different and new. This picture makes me smile because I love that Stephanie is a friend who enjoys spontaneity.

I love this picture because it is so creative and artistic, yet simple. I love the branches and the one red flower sticking out amongst the neutral colors. I want this in my front yard. If only I had a front yard.

PS: I was driving to Target today. I decided to go to the Target that is a little further away, so that meant getting on the freeway. I had been on the freeway for only a couple minutes when I notice a huge black lump in the middle of the road. Fortunately, it was in the lane to the left of me and I easily avoided it. As I drove past it, I found out that it was a very large black dog. As I'm thinking about the poor dog, the next thing I know, a huge navy blue Suburban is hurtling in front of me, going across traffic. I slam on my brakes to avoid hitting the car and then have to quickly change into the right lane to avoid getting side-swiped. OOOOOMG. My heart was pounding ridiculously fast as I had only a split second to avoid getting into a nasty car crash. That Suburban swerved around in front of me as the driver tried regaining control. He ended up safely stopping in the shoulder lane. I was briefly stopped ahead of him in the shoulder lane, wondering if I should get out and make sure that he was okay. I decided to keep driving because I felt that was a really unsafe place to park my car and get out. I also noticed him put on his blinker, as if to get back on the freeway. As I drove off, I regretted my decision to leave. I wish I had stayed to make sure everyone in the Suburban was fine and maybe called the police to get the dead animal off the freeway.

Anyway, the whole experience was terrifying. I thank God that I was able to react so quickly.

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