Thursday, March 24, 2011

the love of family

Today, I am so thankful for my grandparents. During all my recent visits to different doctors, my Grandpa has been incredibly supportive and encouraging, helping to ease my mind and be hopeful. It has been a long time since I have felt the love of family in this type of way and I am overwhelmingly grateful for the time, energy and compassion Grandpa has offered to me without even being asked. You realize the importance of family during the times you need them the most. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for always being there.

[Kristen and I with Grandpa Barry]

 [I can't read what year it was when this was taken, but I was in high school (judging from my great fashion sense) & of course, Grandpa giving Grandma bunny ears for the picture. Ever the jokester. Which I love about him.]

1 comment:

  1. This makes me SO happy. Glad he's there for you in such a needed time. You deserve to be supported and loved, beautiful friend of mine.

