Friday, April 1, 2011


It's difficult to be courageous in the midst of the unknown and it's hard to accept the things you cannot control. But. I guess you just pick yourself up and make the best of things.

I can't talk about everything that has been going on, but big changes are coming quickly and I didn't expect how affected I would be by them.

I can say that I had an interview three days ago on the 29th for a case management position in Anaheim. I spent SO long preparing for this interview: making a list of strengths and weaknesses, spending hours figuring out an appropriate outfit, rehearsing everything I would say and pumping myself up to be confident when put on the spot. I can't say that it was all a waste, buuuuut the interview was a quick 30 minutes long and most of the questions they asked were not what I had expected or prepared for. Aaaah well. I did the best I could and was told it would be a week or two before I would hear back from them. I would love to have this job, but if I don't get the offer, then the annoying and seemingly endless job search will once again ensue.

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