Monday, January 31, 2011



♥ I can't help but get annoyed with those groups of high school kids that loiter around in inconvenient places. It is equally annoying when the high school"couples" do nothing but grope each other at these inconvenient PUBLIC places, where n o b o d y wants to see that.

♥ I bought season six of The Office for $15 at Target. A steal.

♥ Tomorrow I start my workout routine. Can I stick with it? So far, I haven't been able to exercise as consistently as I should, but this time...THIS time, I (hopefully) will.

♥ In one short week, I fly to Washington for 5 days to see Stephanie! I'm praying that I can also make some good connections with organizations that may be interested in hiring me or pointing me in some sort of direction. I need direction right now!

♥ I finally got my hair cut last week and it feels so much healthier.

♥ My room is clean after being RIDICULOUSLY messy for weeks and I've been really intentional about keeping it that way.

♥ I have been obsessed with slurpees recently, particularly a mixture of cola, cherry and blue raspberry flavors. SO good. And SO bad for me, I know. Why can't I crave healthy things, like carrots or apples?

♥ I bought a bunch of sweet stickers at Michaels today, to be used for my future scrapbooking projects.

♥ A new television show that I find myself (surprisingly) interested in is Alaska Wildlife Troopers. It's fascinating to hear about a state I don't really know anything about and to see all of its beautiful (freeeeeeeeezing) landscape. You should tune in. It's pretty educational and more wholesome than those ridiculous reality shows...(which I can't stop watching). Ooooh, the media.

And now, because I LOVE pictures, here are some random ones just because.

[super excited about celebrating my 18th birthday]

[freshman year of college at a football game...I really miss college]

[a cute moment while this boy enjoys his huge reptile book]

[the precious kids I babysat for around 8 years...enjoying a week camping with their family at Oceanside]

[aaaah, how I miss dancing in high school]

[my best friend from college during my freshman year...we left that banana on that window sill for MONTHS...these are the kinds of "fun" things that keep us occupied while attending a university in the middle of cornfields]

[Erin and I in the summer of 2008, enjoying breakfast at Mimi's and catching up with a friend from high school]

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