Monday, June 28, 2010


I have a (funny, but not really funny) story, thanks to a visit to urgent care Saturday. I have been feeling awful lately...the worst symptom being dizziness. It started Wednesday morning and has not let up; in fact, I think it is getting worse. Anyway, Stephanie very strongly suggested I go to the doctor on Saturday, so I did. Because it was the weekend, though, I was not able to see a "real" doctor, so I went to urgent care. I did not want to go to urgent care. The nurses/doctors there are not good, but I figured better be safe than sorry. Here is my first conversation with the doctor:

Me: I have been feeling really dizzy lately and I have no idea why.
Doc: When people feel a cold coming on, they can get very dizzy.
Me: I don't think I'm getting a cold, though. I haven't had any cold symptoms. Just dizziness.
Doc: Well, usually people get dizzy when they are getting a cold.
Me: Ummmmm...[remember that time I said I'm not getting a cold?]

[After checking my ears and throat for 1.7 seconds]

Doc: Your ear looks a little red. You probably have an ear infection, which is causing dizziness. Here is a prescription for vertigo (...something, something; I can't remember) and antibiotics for an ear infection.

Hm. Number 1: I don't trust these doctors. Number 2: I definitely am not taking medication without getting a second opinion because of what was stated in number 1.

So. Here's the (funny, but not really funny) story...

The doctor decides to do an EKG to check my heart, just to make sure nothing serious is going on. The doctor leaves while the nurse hooks me up and performs the EKG. She takes the results to the doctor, who comes in soon afterwards. He looks surprised and asks if I have any heart problems. Gasp. I get really nervous because yes, I have had issues with my heart in the past and even recent past. The doctor says that the EKG shouldn't be producing results like this because I'm only 23. At this point, I am feeling tears come to my eyes and close to having a breakdown. It is a great fear of mine to find out that I have serious heart issues and I figured that this was finally happening. The doctor keeps saying, "You're young. Your heart should not be acting this way." He says they will do another EKG, but if it produces the same results, then he will have to send me immediately to the ER. Wha?!

So the nurse sets up another EKG, with the doctor in the room this time, and she notices that two of the wires are switched. She casually reverses the wires and the doctor looks over me to make sure they are all correctly placed. The nurse runs the EKG again.

Thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Seriously, thank you Lord.

The resutls are NORMAL! The three of us loudly let out the awkward sound of nervous laughter. The nurse: "I'm so sorry about that (insert awkward chuckle)!" Oh, the relief. I was too busy being thankful I wasn't dying to be angry with the incompetent nurse. Whew.

I left urgent care without knowing the cause of my dizziness. But more importantly, I left at least knowing that I wasn't having a heart attack. All that to say, I am going to schedule an appointment with a "real" doctor this week because I am still feeling awful. I'm not myself, and I hate it. Your prayers are deeply appreciated.

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