Thursday, September 30, 2010

up & up

We just got done with our staff training this morning. The CEO of Hillview came to give us some updates about what has been/will be going on with Hillview in the upcoming weeks and months. It was surprisingly positive and encouraging. It was cool to hear some good news after not knowing anything for so long. I'm prepared for the worst, but hoping for good things.

On another note, I hurt my left arm at work on Monday. I was holding a kid who was flailing around and fell pretty hard on my left hand. There was a grinding sound and my arm went dead for a minute. It freaked me out. I tried to shake it off, but even the next day, my arm would hurt when I moved it certain ways. I went to the doctor yesterday and he diagnosed it as a muscle strain. He gave me a heat and ice pack, Bengay type stuff and two pain meds that I'm not going to take. These doctors are ridiculous...they'll give out pain meds for a nosebleed. My arm is feeling a little better today and I'll be going in for a follow-up tomorrow. I'm hoping it's nothing serious and goes away soon because it's limiting my ability to be helpful!

Awww, getting drinks with my sister for her birthday. She was so embarassed about all the pictures I was taking.

The paparazzi never stop following me.


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