Wednesday, May 5, 2010

oh, here it comes

Yes, here it comes. The time of the month when my emotions are out of control and I'm just not myself. The time of the month I must put on hold any decisions that need to be made because they will be controlled by irrational reasoning and unstable feelings. Aaah, isn't it just great being a female?

All that being said (is it even appropriate to talk about that on here?), I have been thinking a lot about my near future and what is next step looks like for me. Recently, I've more seriously considered going back to school. I'm leaning towards school psychology or guidance counseling, but I've only done minimal research on that. And I'm not about to pour thousands more dollars into grad school if I'm not mostly sure that I will take advantage of my Masters degree. Ugh. Freaking decisions. I've never been good at decision-making. I remember my dad being so annoyed when I couldn't even choose a restaurant for dinner. It's exciting to think of going back to school, but it also adds one more option to what my future could potentially look like. That equals more stress.

Stress is no bueno.

So, while adding the idea of going to grad school, I'm also trying to figure out where I want to live after Hillview. So. Many. Options. I have friends in Indiana, Michigan, South Carolina, and (soon to be) in Washington. I am thrilled to get out of California and try something new, but where?!

I want God to be ahead of me in this process because it's obvious that I can't do it alone. I'm praying for guidance and people who will help give me direction and insight. I'm looking forward to what my future holds and even in this frustrating time of possible transition, I am optimistic.

Good things are yet to come.

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