Sunday, May 1, 2011

tra la la

On Friday:

[a hike up the Garcia Trail and lots of beautiful scenery]


Today was relaxing. I went to Rock Harbor in the morning with Kayleigh. Figuring out how to get to the church was annoying because there was a race going on that blocked the roads I needed. But after some directions, I made it and we were greeted with two women holding up hand-made "Finish Line!" signs. It was cute and I appreciated the humor.

After getting back to the apartment, I [one] enjoyed a hot cup of hot chocolate mixed with coffee in my favorite cup that Erin owns. 'Twas delish. A burst of spontaneity led me to Target to buy black nail polish, which [two] provided me an hour of entertainment while I painted my nails. And may it please be noted that this was my first time ever painting my nails black. During all of this I [three] watched the show that will never stop being funny: Friends. I want to be them. Then I got ready [four] to drive over to Hillview for one last partaaaay before the campus closed down completely. It was awkward at first because I knew hardly ANYbody, but then some of my co-workers showed up. Yay! It was good to see them and laugh with them. Though I didn't recognize many faces, I was told that many of the adults there were kids that used to live at Hillview. That was cool...I overheard a lot of them reminiscing about what life used to be like while living in a group home.

Now, I'm back at the apartment...still alone because Erin doesn't get back until tomorrow morning. I'll enjoy tonight with a quesedilla and more episodes of Friends [DUH]. Thanks today, for being good to me.

[PS: Erin and I move in NINE days!! Wahoo!]

1 comment:

  1. love the "finish line" idea. so fun!
    good call on the black nails, very bold! i wanna see em :)
    and also, SO FREAKIN excited about your move! eee! PCH- watch out!

