Friday, January 8, 2010

happy birthday Steph ♥

Stephanie turned 23 yesterday and for some reason, that age just seems so much older than 22. We wanted to go on an adventure and thought about going shopping (I know, we're wild!), but then decided that we could go shopping anytime. Stephanie and I specifically got the day off together to celebrate her birthday, so we were determined to do something fun. We ended up going to the mountains in search of snow! We left around 10:30, accidentally wearing very similar shirts. Pretty much every step of our adventure was documented, from the walk across campus to Stephanie's car to the end of the day when we went to see Stephanie's family. It was one of my best days off.

I wasn't joking - this is Steph and I walking across campus to her car

Up in the mountains, stopped at a turnout to take some pictures

We stopped at the visitors center and they had all this historical information about people who used to live in the mountains

We drove as far as we could up the mountain until we came to the base of Mount Baldy. From there, you couldn't get to the top unless you took a 15-minute ski lift ride. Steph and I weren't planning on buying ski lift tickets, BUT Steph got a free ticket because it was her birthday! So I calmed my nerves enough to get on the wobbly chair that took us to the top. It was AWESOME.

With our tickets!

Watch this video and listen to the quiet :)

At the top of Mount Baldy - soooo pretty and peaceful!

After we got back down from an elevation of 7,800 feet

On our way to the Rainforest Cafe and Downtown Disney

In Stephanie's front yard


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