Saturday, September 3, 2011

letting the spider win

This morning, I woke up to a very unpleasant surprise. I had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready for work when I almost died. I started walking down the stairs and saw a huuuuuuuge spider on the wall. Blelasldfjifagha. I freaked out and ran back up the stairs into my room. Obvi. I started weighing my options, of which I quickly realized there were none because I couldn't leave the house without going downstairs [unleeeeess, I jump out the window onto the futon in our patio and over the fence...hmm, no, no]. Okay, I put on my brave face and ran downstairs. With my eyes almost closed because if I can't SEE the spider, it's not there.

I texted my brave roommate after I left and told her to save me from certain death by killing that damned spider. She couldn't find it, which now leaves me in a permanent state of anxiety that'll probably last for a few days until the stupid bug shows up again and gives me a heart attack. Something else ridiculous? I went to drop of my rent check after I left the house and almost ran into a spider hanging on it's stupid web. And THEN, I stopped to get gas and as I was stepping out of my car, there was a HUGE [and I mean, HUGE] bug on the ground below my foot. At a glance, it looked like a preying mantis or a dragonfly, but I almost slammed the door so quickly on my foot to speed off that I didn't get a good look at it. Seriously. It was not my morning.

Maybe someday I won't let spiders ruin my morning or keep me out of the bathroom for two days or make me waste an hour deciding if I'm brave enough to kill it. Maybe. But probably not.

You should read this. She gets me.

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