Saturday, February 13, 2010

a good day

I went snowboarding with Kristen yesterday. It was my first time and though I have wanted to go for a while, I was super nervous about not knowing what to expect. Our view driving up to Snow Valley was gorgeous and there was tons of snow when we arrived. I signed up for a lesson, though not really sure if I wanted to take the class. Good thing I did, because I was TERRIBLE. I think I let my mind get the best of me and I kept psyching myself out. The hill looks too steep, I'm going too fast, I won't be able to stop, someone else is going to hit me. So for the class, I sucked. It took forever for me to get five feet forward because I was being a wuss.

Kristen went on the slopes a couple times until my class was over. After that, we ate lunch - I desperately needed food and water - and then we hit the slopes together. We went on the baby slope that I practiced on with the instructor. It probably isn't an exaggeration to say that it took an hour for me to get down the slope. Anyway, at the end of the day, Kristen talked me into trying a different slope. I was super unsure and kept asking her if she thought it would be too steep for me. But I'm SO glad I went for it! I had my best runs down that slope and I walked away happy and proud that I wasn't as bad as I thought. Aaaaaaaaaanyway. Enough talk, here are some pictures!

The view on our drive up the mountain

All geared up

Learning how to not die while snowboarding

I have bruised knees for being in this position so many times

The first part of my day

Body language says it all


Kristen was so good!

Kristen was so natural on a snowboard

My best run at the end of the day

At the end of the day, sore but happy

Gorgeous sunset on the drive back

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