Sunday, January 23, 2011

video happiness

I meant to get these videos up earlier, but I couldn't figure out how to upload them from my phone. Well I did and here they are. These are from when I babysat Tess and Jack last Saturday, capturing some cute moments on video.

[Stephanie, I thought you especially would enjoy and appreciate these videos]

Tess loved looking at her books (the background music is one year old Jack pounding on a little piano) and she is able to talk so well! She was so cute looking through all her books and "reading" all the words.

I was trying to get her to name all the colors, but her favorite word/picture was "sippy cup." She was very excited to find that page.

Do you know how to make a taco shape with your tongue? I do and Tess was obsessed with it! She kept saying "taco!" and tried to grab my tongue every time I stuck it out. I was laughing hysterically at the way she kept saying "Taco! Taco!" Oh and by the way, it sounds like I'm yelling at her at one point, but I'm not. That was just my "keep the phone away from her, but still get this on video" voice. Sorry Tess. You know I love you!

This is Tess being such a girl and applying her tasty chapstick (yeah, ask Jack if it was tasty). She may have smeared a little across her cheek, but no big deal.

We watched Frosty the Snowman twice and I loved it because it gave me a break from chasing after two hyper little children. This is around 9:00pm and both of them were close to dozing off. I thought Jack was so cute watching Frosty and look at his little fingers tapping away.

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