Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i'm a survivor

Today was...hmm...a little bit chaotic and required a LOT of patience. It was spring break day and started off with lots of fun games and activities outside. Once all the spring break day hoopla was over, all the staff and girls took some time to chill and relax in the air-conditioned cottage. Staff also took a lot of pictures to document today. Here dey is.

We went to see a movie in the afternoon. Let me tell you, How to Train Your Dragon lived up to my expectations and made all my wildest dreams come true. That movie was soooo freaking cute and will definitely be on my "must purchase" list when it comes out on DVD. Oh, I also forgot to mention that it was Knewenle's last day, a staff who has been here for over two years. She is amazing and we all love her, but the girls were having a bit of a hard time coping with the reality of her leaving.

We barely made it through dinner at Carl's Jr. We tried getting the girls in the van and back to campus, but that definitely did not work. Here's what happened instead: One girl starts threatening another and banging violently on the windows of the van. This resulted in my first public restraint. I felt so uncomfortable and embarassed to be restraining a kid outside the parking lot of Carl's Jr. on a patch of grass. Cars slowed down as they drove by and I can't blame them. Some of them were honking and asking if we needed help. It worked to our advantage that our little ball of anger child was cussing at them, because it caused them to be somewhat understanding of what was happening. A woman called the police, which again, I can't blame her for. Before this job, I probably would have called the police if I saw three adults holding down a screaming child. The officer came and was helpful and we made it back to campus.

I got away with some grass stains on my jeans and a little bit more confidence. I was always nervous of what my first restraint in public would look like, but I survived.

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