Saturday, December 19, 2009

a day in the life

Not much to report today. The girls here were good and we had a (thankfully) uneventful day. Oooh, we went to see The Princess and the Frog! I heard of reviews that said it was an "instant classic," but I'm not so sure I agree. Perhaps it's because I'm biased towards the Disney movies I grew up with or maybe I'm just too judgemental, but the movie wasn't fantastic. It had super creepy parts too. The evil man used VooDoo and had "friends on the other side." The shadows on the walls and the implications made toward the presence of demons made the movie less appealing as it threw around the idea of evil spirits way too lightly.

Blah, enough of that. Today, one of my girls begged and begged me to open a gift she got me for Christmas. "Kara, you are going to LOVE it!! You are going to jump up and down! You'll be so excited about what I got you!" is what I had been hearing for the past three days. Enough is enough, right? I opened the gift. It was a large bottle of apple cider scented bubble bath and a soft bath sponge that said "refresh" on it. I can't say that I was jumping up a down, but she was so sweet to get me a gift. She remembered that one day I came to cottage with a gallon of apple cider because I freaking love that stuff! So I am officially one bubble bath and one loofa the richer.


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