Monday, June 21, 2010


I used to be a houseparent.

Now I'm a floater.

It basically means I will be a houseparent, not only in the girls cottage where I've been working, but also in the two boys cottages if they need me. Floaters "float" around between the three cottages, filling in when a houseparent is on vacation or when they need some extra help. I'm excited about the position. It will be sweet working with the boys, as well as the girls.

I won't officially be a floater until the beginning of July, but I was in Palmer cottage today - one of the boys' cottages. It was...different. The boys are so much more physical (obvi) and they are a lot more mean to each other. But they are also a lot more active (which I love) and they enjoy being outside. Pros and cons to both girls and boys, I guess.

In Hannah Montana's words:

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